Study the Relationship between Effectiveness of Training Programs over Productivity of Employees and Benefits of It Organization
1Anvay Madavi, 2Dhanshree Wadile, 3Smita Varma, 4Dr. Sudhakar Gaonkar, 5Dr. Dur Khan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i2-28

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Due to the fierce competition in the market, companies are currently operating in a continuous learning mode. Organizations and individuals need to show the flexibility to learn continuously in order to survive and develop. This will further help the company to be the most successful. The most important task of the association is to put the right people in the right places. Otherwise, companies will continue to strive to survive the competition. Certain jobs can lead to difficult situations and significant losses for the enterprise. All organizations need well-trained employees to be able to carry out their activities effectively and efficiently. Supporting the development of skills, knowledge and abilities is an ongoing process of the organization. Education and training improve employee performance. The success of an organization depends on the performance of its employees. Therefore, there is no doubt about the importance of continuous education and training in relevant areas to meet the competitive strategy of the market. To meet the demands of such markets, there is always a need to ensure effective training, not the best, especially for the necessary survival. The main purpose of this paper is to conduct a comprehensive research and analysis of the training and development process of IT companies. This is a highly dynamic and competitive business world for individuals and organizations today and has a special reference for managers. Therefore, the sample consists of managerial IT employees. This white paper seeks to identify and identify the relationship between the effectiveness of training programs for employee productivity and the interests of IT organizations. The survey enrolled 120 employees from 4,444 IT companies after irrelevant and incomplete data was removed. This study needs to dynamically pursue and mandate education and training for all employees, and employers need to provide mandatory training programs to all employees to improve performance. It was suggested that there is.


Effectiveness, Productivity, Training & Development, Employees, Performance


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